Engagement Ring Love Stories
Behind every Engagement ring, there is a story – a unique and treasured history that lends itself to the beauty of each York Jewellers jewellery creation.
More than the sum of its parts, an engagement ring is an everlasting symbol of love and devotion that is made for valued clients as a reminder of their commitment to a shared future.
Over the years, creating precious moments abounding in love and romance with clients as they plan to solidify their love story has been an utterly rewarding experience for the whole team.
We, at York Jewellers, love nothing more than hearing of love and celebration. And so, we thought we’d share some tear-jerking engagement stories with you over the coming weeks.
Jordan and Talani
When it fits, you feel it. From the moment Jordan and Talani met, that was it.
“Talani just took my breath away. I met her when I was sixteen and I knew straight away she was the one” expressed Jordan.
Love. It’s goofy and versatile; fun and sneaky; special and messy; exhausting, yet beautiful and kind. For Jordan and Talani, it’s been a ten year love story that’s never faded or lost hope.
“I waited a long time to get proposed to. We were high school sweethearts so we have been together for 9 years before we got engaged” Talani smiled.
Like any proud husband-to-be Jordan responded “I was worth the wait though.
It probably took me longer than it should have but I finally got my ducks in a row. Talani was dropping hints for two years” laughed Jordan.
There is more than an undying connection between this pair. There is side-splitting, tear-inducing, borderline maniacal laughter. There is safety, there is joy, there is friendship. When one of them is down, the other, without words or hesitation, eases the pain of a bad day. From the very beginning, they knew.
“My 18th birthday party was the first time I told Jordan I loved him. We had been together for six months and I knew he was the one at that moment” exclaimed Talani.
Their engagement story is somewhat akin to a fairytale.
“ It was my twenty-sixth birthday and we were going out for a hike out at the Basin. We got there and there was a sign indicating the track was closed. This was all part of the plan. So, we walked around the Basin and to my surprise, there was a cute little area set up where Jordan proposed. It was amazing! Then, the next minute he pointed out this triple decker cruiser which picked us up. The boat was all set up with a cheese platter and a bottle of Moet. We drove around the harbour and pulled in at Newport Arms which is where all of our family was waiting to congratulate us. We danced the night away and celebrated our engagement party that night. Surprise after surprise after surprise. It was absolutely perfect” gushed Talini.
Perfect as it seemed, there was one slight hiccup.
“ I somehow got it wrong. I grabbed a ring from Talani’s jewellery box in a hurry. I picked one I thought she wouldn’t really know was missing. When I inconspicuously went into York Jewellers with her borrowed ring, and had the engagement ring made without Talani noticing, I thought I had aced it. When I got down on one knee, it didn’t really go to plan. The ring only fit on her pinky. Talani almost broke a finger trying to get it over her knuckle. Now we just look back and laugh” said Jordan.
Before and after this jaw-dropping moment, the York Jewellers service was made for Jordan.
“That night we told Doug and we were absolutely amazed by his level of care. He came straight away to pick up the ring, and by the next afternoon, he was at our door with the re-sized ring. It was a full delivery service. We were so thankful and able to pick up from where we left off” expressed Talani.
The ring design process was an unforgettable experience for Jordan, who at the time, knew nothing about the engagement ring process.
“I was definitely out of my depth when it came to the ring design. The vast array of things that you have to think about blew me away. The one-on-one time with Doug was what was most memorable for me. He talked me through every step and gave me his full attention. It was not a sale. He really wanted to know about our lives to help me design something I knew would knock Talani’s socks off. I wasn’t just any random bloke, he really cared about Talani and the outcome. I would have paid anything to have that time with him” expressed Jordan.
Talani only dropped a couple of hints over the course of two years.
“ My only clue to Jordan for my ring is that I needed something that was long in shape as I have big Italian fingers. I had never seen a cut like this before that's this unique - I absolutely love it and it exceeded every expectation that I could have had for my ring. I absolutely love it “ smiled Talani.
When things go better than planned, you have a heart full of gratitude and a mind of certainty knowing you have made the right decision, especially when that decision is life-altering. With the help of York Jewellers, Jordan felt nurtured through the entire process.
“ I wanted to get the engagement ring just right. It’s every girl's dream to have the perfect ring and I wanted that for Talani. I wanted to create something unique because Talani is unique. There’s no one like her. I had no idea what it was going to look like but as I explained who we were, Doug knew. He’s an amazing artist and he told me I had to be whole-heartedly invested into the design of the ring. So, he drew it and I saw it come to life. It was unbelievable. We are just so happy”.
Jesse & Sonia

The adage “absence making the heart grow fonder” has long been taught by the book of love. For long-time lovers Sonia and Jesse, it most definitely holds true.
“Sonia went overseas to study and I felt lost without her. That’s when I knew.” expressed Jesse.
The couple had met fourteen years prior at a Scouts camp. They were put in the same group and instantly connected over their love for nature and passion for the environment. From there, a love story was born.
At the five year mark the couple had a conversation about marriage and decided against the notion. It was at this point Sonia was at a crossroads and made the decision to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study abroad.
Days, weeks, months passed. Being separated by distance only strengthened the bond between the two. It was at this pivotal point in their relationship where Jesse decided that solidifying their union made all the sense in the world.
“I flew in to Sydney at midnight following a forty hour flight back to Australia. I walked out into arrivals and there he was at the airport down one one knee. I couldn’t believe it”

From seeking permission and designing the engagement ring to orchestrating the perfect proposal, Jesse organised everything without an inkling of Sonia’s knowledge.
“Jesse knew asking my Dad for permission would be important to me. When this moment took place, my Dad was so happy, he was lost for words. My mum had to answer for him, Sonia laughed.
Designing the engagement ring was an exciting journey for Jesse. His ultimate goal was to design something truly reflective of their relationship. York Jewellers Designer Sue understood perfectly and created both rings based on an engraved leaf concept.

“When I was organising the ring, Sonia had no idea it was happening. I knew it had to be something special and as I work for a metallic gasket company, I thought it would be really creative to incorporate one of these. So, I began plotting and I had some really beautiful designs made up” said Jesse.
From there, the couple custom designed the wedding rings together. It became a cherished experience for Sonia and Jesse who developed a very special relationship with Jeweller, Sue.
“I had seen York Jewellers everywhere. I had seen it on the back of busses, in the newspaper, and all over Penrith. So we took it as a sign and decided to take a chance on York Jewellers . I went in and met the loveliest lady behind the counter.
Her name was Sue. I was blown away by her knowledge. I just kept thinking her dedication and jewellery craftsmanship was remarkable.” expressed Sonia.
After she had drawn the design, Sonia was really excited and just couldn’t wait to see the vision come to life. The entire process filled Sonia and Jesse with an abundance of joy.
“When Sue revealed our rings, I just burst into tears. Her work is just so amazing. She is an amazing artist and it was more than I could ever ever ask for. I am just so glad that we went to York Jewellers and met Sue. Their reviews are spot on, I couldn’t thank them enough.

Brad and Sally

Then, after their separate journeys, when they both returned to their hometown, timing was on their side and their love was instantly rekindled.
“We had been together for two years initially before we went in different directions. When we got back together we were both certain and set on what we wanted and so, our engagement happened very quickly. It was 18 months of dating and then I dropped a knee” laughs Brad.

“I had a plan early on on how I was going to do it. A book was an integral part of the proposal plan. It is called Twenty Reasons Why and essentially on every page it goes through different reasons why I love her and on the last page it says Will You Marry Me. I had the box in my hand as she turned to the final page and she screamed yes! Brad exclaims.
About a month before, Brad asked Sally to send him a couple of photos of what kind of ring she liked and like any excited groom-to-be, he took the lead from there.
Brad initially knew nothing about jewellery but worked with Designer Sue from York Jewellers and relished in the whole process.
“I was a novice when it came to the stone and all of the classifications that come with engagement rings. Because of the learning experience with Sue, I feel like a jewellery professional now.. Sue's knowledge of jewellery designs was remarkable “ said Brad.
The entire York Jewellers experience for Brad is something he won’t ever forget.
“ From the very beginning Sue had this very maternal nature which made everything so easy as I was a bit of a no. She just made me feel great about the whole experience as well and really comforted me when I was stressed over what to do. The most memorable part was going to see it in front of me, picking it up and taking it with me knowing I had it and was about to ask Sally to marry me”.
Patrick and Kristie
High School Sweethearts
Only in fiction do you expect high school sweethearts to fall in love, remain in love and be together forever.
“Ten years we have been together. We became official in Year 12 and I waited seven whole years before I was given my ring” Kristie jokes.
Brooke and Trent
Ever Thine. Ever Mine. Ever Ours
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Falling in love almost is one the most beautiful feelings a person can experience.. Losing yourself in the eyes of the one you love makes you lose all inhibitions. Love warps your sense of reality. Love makes you giddy.
And, when you have found the one, you don’t just see what they look like when you look at them. You see your entire future together before you and all the possibilities that lay ahead.
They say, when you know, you know. For Brooke and Trent, the stars simply aligned at the right moment in time, and in the right place.
“We were both invited separately to a halloween party in 2015. Neither of us knew anyone other than our immediate friends. I had work commitments the next day so I didn’t want to go to the party but I just had a feeling to go. Brooke was new to Sydney and didn’t know a whole lot of people. We both turned up to the party early. Next thing we knew five hours had passed and the whole party was revolving around us” Brooke explained.
From that moment onwards, time just flew by for Brooke and Trent.
“We jumped in with both feet. We met and moved in together after about a year together. It was at this point we believed we had really found the one” Brooke gushed.
The engagement came as a huge, unexpected surprise to Brooke but it was the ultimate dream proposal she explains.
“We took a trip down to Melbourne together for a wedding and went to Tasmania after that. I knew I wanted to prose at the Bay of Fires during sunset. It was a mad rush to get there. In fact, Brooke thought I was going to crash the car as I was racing to get there for that pinnacle moment when the sun goes down. We arrived there right on time. Brooke being Brooke, walked ahead and peered off into the distance. Then, the next minute she turned around, and I was on one knee asking her to marry me” said Trent.

Josh & Natasha

“Engagement marks the end of a whirlwind romance and beginning of an eternal love story.”
— Rajeev Ranjan
Giving and receiving an engagement ring is a time-honoured moment that kicks off a truly beautiful chapter.
It is that once-in-a-life-time occasion where time simply stops. Two people making that defining decision to forever symbolise their dedication, love, and commitment to one another other. It is the beginning of a unique journey that two people embark upon when they decide to spend their lives together.
We have been fortunate enough to be apart of the engagement process for so many of our clients, just like like Josh and Natasha who share a truly touching love story.
Josh continued “I’m grateful she did this as I had an idea of what she wanted. The next day I went back to pick the Diamond and it was all finalised. Bri was our designer and she just got it. She knew Tash wanted something elegant, timeless and vintage”.
The initial design consultation was a truly positive experience for Josh. "I didn't think I was going to end up with a ring so close to what I wanted. Our experience was amazing, she walked us through the entire process. It was all so easy and exciting” Josh gushes.
On behalf of Bri and the team at York Jewellers, we are so happy for the two of you and are delighted to watch as your beautiful love story continues to evolve.
If you’re thinking about that next step and would like to speak to one of our Professional Jewellery Consultants, we would love to hear from you.