What You Need

1. Your Phone

2. A ring OR paper strip

3. Credit Card
Step 1
Place your phone on a flat surface. and view your phone screen, ideally from a standing position.

Step 2
Place your credit card on the marked zone here.
Make sure you can see all sides of your card
Move the size slider below to adjust the outline of the card to match your card size
The black line, on the screen, should be almost unseen when sized correctly around your card
(Hint: close one eye to adjust perfectly)
Choose between the two options below.
What You Need

1. A paper strip

2. A pen

3. A pair of scissors
Put your ring on the pink circle and look straight down
Move the size slider below to adjust the outline of the pink circle
The pink circle should be 100% visible touching the inside of your ring.
(Hint: close one eye to adjust perfectly)
Take a strip of paper
Wrap it tight around your finger
Mark the length or cut both ends
Place the strip on the pink line & adjust length accordingly on the adjustment line below
Ring Sizer
Use this tool to find your perfect ring size.
Visit yorkjewellers.com.au/RingSizer on your phone or scan the QR code below.